The Roomba Vacuum Cleaner has definitely revolutionized vacuum cleaners and also, my opinion of them. That is why I made this review for others to learn about my experience. Personally, I dread my cleaning chores. I never imagined having a wide space can be a hassle since you need to clean every corner of it. However, I came across one of these robotic products and I told myself, “What the heck? I’ll try it out!”

I read the manual carefully with much enthusiasm. I had read numerous reviews about this machine and they all said one thing—that the contraption was a work of a technological genius. Not only has it helped people but it has turned the stereotype concerning robots from deadly weapons of destruction into cleaning tools which can help millions of homes.

I was excited with every bit of the programming process and the initial cleaning. I watched it as it did its thing and used it sensors to avoid bumping into my furniture and walls. It was also cool that it cleared the dust around my apartment without me dragging it with me back and forth. It also remained true to the fact that it’s hands free.

For the next few days, I didn’t have to operate it because it had this scheduler function which can enable it to move on its own and clean areas that you want it to focus on. I was happy with the fact that I didn’t need to do anything to tend to it. Who knew that I could find the perfect vacuum cleaner for me? To readers who are spending time to read this review of mine, I recommend this product because it can truly get your mind off of your cleaning chores and focus on other activities you have.

The Roomba Vacuum Cleaner is indeed a work of a genius—a technological genius that is. Who would ever think of creating a robotic vacuum cleaner? It cannot be denied that it has helped dozens of homes across America. It is both efficient and intelligent. That is why many are hooked unto getting one. However, even if the cleaner is a self-sufficient piece of machine, it doesn’t necessarily jump out of the box and start cleaning like a human can.

While the Roomba can actually perform a number of tasks, there is still a need for human hands in the initial cleaning. Basically, it’s pretty simple. If you are familiar with the machine’s room scanning sensors, you’ll see that there are several buttons on it. They are labelled ‘S’, ‘M’, ‘L’ and ‘Max’ to distinguish between room sizes. The first three have specific measurements to be followed. However, the ‘Max’ function programs the cleaner to clean the room until its power runs out.

You can program this gadget to clean in a specific pattern. To start the cleaning, you put the Roomba in the middle of the room and program it to go to the areas that need to be focused on. The buttons are easy to understand. You just need to find the one which can open it to begin cleaning. When it finishes the task that you want it to do, it will shut down on its own. Nevertheless, if it runs out of batteries before it finishes its task, it will signal you about it.

It’s that simple. Roomba may seem like a complicated object however, the makers have made certain that it’s easy to use. This is an absolute invention made with all forms of practicality.

Why purchase a Roomba Vacuum Cleaner? What sets it apart from other cleaning machines? Those are good questions. If you’re thinking of buying a vacuum cleaner, you’ll definitely want to read on since you’ll find out the different features this special cleaner has.

iRobot is actually a manufacturer of industrial and home robots which aim to make lives easier. They have created multifunctional robots and continue to improve them. It is in this light that they have created a robotic vacuum cleaner. Strange you say, but it’s true. These high tech vacuum cleaners have helped many people.

First of all, the Roomba doesn’t only clean the house. It actually efficiently does it and completes it. It rids the house of particles such as dust, dirt and pet hairs. Secondly, unlike other vacuum cleaners, the design of this robotic machine makes it capable of crawling under or through tight spaces, making sure that they are filth-free. If you’re thinking that there are other cleaners which can do that as well or are compact enough to be used in enclosed spaces, you should continue reading on.

Setting aside these regular features, the Roomba Vacuum Cleaner is composed of a special type of technology. What is this? It’s referred to as an artificial intelligence or the AWARE system. The user can just program the machine and it will do its job. It’s composed of different infrared sensors that enable it to do its job under a short period of time.

The AWARE system enables the Roomba accomplish a number of actions which do not require the aid of the user. It can actually scan rooms while cleaning them and remember their layouts for future cleaning. This feature can help the Roomba clean areas which are at the top cleaning priority list. Plus, it can also sense obstacles such as ledges and staircases. They’re designed to be aware of dangerous locations where they might fall off.

The Roomba Vacuum Cleaner is also built with a communication system which can help the owner understand it. While it performs its cleaning tasks, it can play music, sound off beeps and use lights as indicators. It uses these things to let the user know whether it’s finished with its chores or if there are problems that need attending to. Other than the fact that it is efficient with its sensors, it’s very smart.

The Roomba has is equipped with a long lifespan. It can clean up to four rooms in a single with a single battery charge. At the end of its power’s life, the user is not required to tend to it. Instead, the Roomba can actually charge itself with its home base feature. With all of these, on the next time it cleans, you don’t have to supervise it. You can sit back and let the robotic cleaner do its thing.

Some models of Roomba allow the user to set up a cleaning schedule it can follow. The cleaner can now do its tasks without having a person control it. It will move on its own and complete its responsibilities. It’s really funny how technology has helped make everything so simple even cleaning. Well, after reading all of this, are you still wondering why you should get your own Roomba Vacuum Cleaner?

Cleaning has been completely revolutionized by technology. Even vacuum cleaners have evolved with the times. Roomba Vacuum Cleaners are actually the product of this evolution and innovation. With the many devices that iRobot has created, Roomba is certainly a product which will cater to the needs of many clean freaks out there. Vacuum cleaners have actually become cleaning companions which aid in making everything simple for homeowners.

iRobot began was established by certain individuals in the year 1990 with the purpose to create robots for people’s everyday endeavors. The team has employed professionals and experts to see through the mechanical, electrical and software development for these robotic instruments. They also make lives easier by providing quality robots for both homes and the industrial world. Roomba Vacuum Cleaners are built as home robots which, as said before, transform and modernize regular cleaning.

Roomba Vacuum Cleaners do not only get the cleaning job done but these can also act as cleaning companions for every individual who owns it. Not only are these created looking compact—so it can reach and clean tight spaces—but these vacuum cleaner robots are built with advanced technology that enables it to interact with people through beeps which have its own corresponding meaning. Basically it contains an artificial intelligence system that makes it capable to act on its own.

A sensor referred to as the AWARE system is also equipped with every Roomba device to point it at areas which need more attention than usual. Its infrared sensor aids it from obstacles such as ledges or staircase so owners do not have to worry about its maintenance. It also functions to scan different rooms and soon memorize their layouts for future cleaning tasks. One can also program the machine to clean in specific areas. All of this basically enables the owner to let the Roomba Vacuum Cleaner do its job even if he/she is away.

Additionally, owners do not have to worry about charging the Roomba’s batteries because it is built to do that on its own. It may have a long battery lifespan but it can sense whenever it needs charging. Whenever it is low on power, its home base feature gives it initiative to charge itself. The Roomba Vacuum Cleaner has surpassed the regular vacuum cleaner. It is actually considered as the cleaning companion of the future because it can save a lot of time and energy for homeowners.

Roomba Vacuum Cleaners has been the choice of various homeowners to help eradicate tiny particles, like dirt, dust and hair, at home. It’s a known fact that it’s every person’s frustration to keep their house looking sparkling with not much effort that would not wear them out physically and even mentally. With its state of the art cleaning technology, we’ve created a machine that does not only tidy up your place but also think and act to uphold cleanliness within your home.

However, a question still remains. What’s so special about these Roomba Vacuum Cleaners when there are obviously others sold? Why mention technology? What’s new about it? How can anyone say that this product is the best of its kind?

Well, you’re looking at a vacuum cleaner that can also be considered as your cleaning buddy of the future. Aside from the fact that, the Roomba Vacuum cleaner makes certain that walls, corners and even areas under heavy furniture are spotless clean with the machine’s structure and various types of brushes placed in it, the machine is equipped with a special kind of software with an artificial intelligence that can calculate and later on memorizes your room’s layouts for your next vacuuming.

In addition, Roomba makers have expanded building newer models that’s better and more capable to tend to your household needs. There have been three generations of vacuum robots built with improved and specialized features. Each new generation is given an updated software and is smarter. The third and newest one is created with an infrared sensor which can detect nearby obstacles. Furthermore, you don’t have to exert effort at the end of its power lifespan because the Roomba cleaner has a homebase feature that enables it to charge itself.

Are you planning on buying one and are still curious about this? Or are you an owner who needs answers? That’s why we, the Roomba Vacuum Cleaners Organization, created this website to cater to answering to your queries and to give you all the information you need to know regarding this beautiful piece of appliance. Because of its hi-tech nature, a person can achieve more and can even spend the rest of his/her free time relaxing. It was made with the aim to make everything easier for homes everywhere.

Also, if you’re wondering, all Roomba vacuum cleaners are all tried and tested, complete with all these mentioned reliable features and is completely user-friendly. This site has in it various testimonials and reviews of satisfied customers that mention that this vacuum cleaner is convenience incarnate. It’s a guarantee that you’ll never ever have to worry about any more dust problems with your new robotic vacuum cleaner of tomorrow.